
Tirsbæk is located on the north side of Vejle Fjord approx. 7 km east of Vejle city between wooded slopes in a side valley to Vejle Fjord. The three-winged main building was built in 1550 and is surrounded by moats, to the east of which lies the Renaissance garden. Tirsbæk is today run as a combined agricultural and forestry farm with hunting hire, audience activities, Land Rover off-road driving, event and leadership training activities. Hans Henrik Algreen-Ussing owns and runs the estate.


Hjertestarteren er placeret på gavlen i den vestlige side af bygningen ved indkørsel til gårdspladsen.
GPS Koordinater:
Latitude: 55.7139º N    Longitude: 009.6361º E
Godsejer Hans Henrik Ussing kan eventuelt kontaktes på 20331260